How to Find Unclaimed Money in Texas (and Claim it Today!)

how to find unclaimed money in texas


In the vast expanse of Texas, from the bustling streets of Houston to the serene landscapes of the Hill Country, lies a treasure trove not of gold or oil, but of unclaimed money waiting to be discovered by its rightful owners. Unclaimed money, often lying dormant in the coffers of state and federal institutions, is a phenomenon that many Texans are unaware of, yet it could mean a significant financial windfall for those who take the time to search and claim it. This 2000-word guide dives deep into the world of unclaimed money in Texas, offering a step-by-step approach to locating and claiming what’s rightfully yours.


What is Unclaimed Money?

Unclaimed money refers to funds or property that have become separated from their rightful owners over time. This can occur through forgotten bank accounts, uncashed checks, security deposits, insurance policies, and more. When these assets go unclaimed for a certain period, typically one to three years, they are turned over to the state’s unclaimed property division, awaiting to be claimed by their owners or heirs.

The Scope of Unclaimed Money in Texas

Texas, being one of the largest states in the U.S., holds billions of dollars in unclaimed property. From dormant savings accounts and unclaimed payroll checks to forgotten utility deposits and insurance benefits, the range of unclaimed assets under the Texas Comptroller’s custody is vast and varied.

How to Locate Unclaimed Money in Texas

Start with the Texas Comptroller’s Website

The first and most crucial step in your quest for unclaimed money is to visit the Texas Comptroller’s official website dedicated to unclaimed property ( This user-friendly platform is your gateway to discovering whether you have unclaimed assets in the state.

Conducting a Search

Personal Search: Enter your name or the name of your business in the search bar. It’s advisable to start broad, using just a last name or business name, to capture all potential matches.

Family Search: You can also search for unclaimed money that may belong to deceased relatives, potentially inheriting assets you were unaware of.

Expand Your Search Beyond Texas

Unclaimed money isn’t limited to state boundaries. It’s possible that you have unclaimed assets in other states or at the federal level.

Other States

Use the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators’ (NAUPA) website to search other states where you or your relatives have lived, worked, or conducted business.

Federal Agencies

Several federal agencies hold unclaimed money, including:

  • IRS for unclaimed tax refunds
  • U.S. Treasury for undelivered checks and matured bonds
  • FDIC for unclaimed insured deposits from failed financial institutions

Identifying Your Claims

Upon locating potential unclaimed assets in your name, carefully review the details. Each listing will provide key information, including the name on the account, the last known address, and the type of property. Identifying which claims belong to you or your relatives is crucial for a successful claim.

Claiming Your Unclaimed Money in Texas

Once you’ve identified unclaimed money in Texas that belongs to you, the next step is to file a claim and prove your ownership.

Step 1: Filing a Claim

On the Texas Comptroller’s unclaimed property website, you can file a claim electronically for most properties. For each claim, you’ll need to provide:

  • Your current personal information
  • Details about the claim you’re making

Step 2: Providing Proof of Ownership

To successfully claim your unclaimed money, you must prove your identity and, in some cases, your relationship to the original owner of the assets. This may require submitting:

  • A valid photo ID (e.g., driver’s license or passport)
  • Proof of Social Security number (e.g., Social Security card or tax document)

Documentation proving your connection to the address or account listed (e.g., utility bills, bank statements, or birth certificates)

Step 3: Submitting Your Claim

After gathering the necessary documents, submit your claim through the website or by mail, depending on the instructions provided. The Texas Comptroller’s office will then review your claim,  which can take several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the claim and the volume of claims being processed.

Step 4: Receiving Your Funds

Once your claim is approved, you will receive your unclaimed money through a check mailed to the address you provided. In some cases, if the unclaimed property is stocks or bonds, you may receive these assets directly.

Tips for a Successful Claim

Be Thorough: Ensure you’ve searched all variations of your name, including maiden names or aliases.
Follow Up: Keep track of your claim’s status through the Texas Comptroller’s website or by contacting their office directly.
Stay Patient: The process can be lengthy, especially if there are complications or a high volume of claims.

Preventing Unclaimed Money

While claiming unclaimed money can be a pleasant surprise, it’s also important to take steps to prevent your assets from becoming unclaimed in the first place.

Keep Records Updated: Regularly update your contact information with banks, employers, and other institutions.
Track Your Assets: Maintain a record of all accounts, policies, and deposit boxes.
Communicate with Family: Share information about your assets with trusted family members or advisors.


Unclaimed money in Texas represents a vast reservoir of financial opportunity for individuals and families alike. By taking the initiative to search, claim, and take preventative measures, you can ensure that you and your loved ones fully benefit from what is rightfully yours. Remember, the journey to claiming unclaimed money is one of patience and diligence, but the rewards can be significant. Start your search today, and you may just discover a hidden treasure waiting to be reclaimed.